Saturday, June 13, 2009

Markie's299 Comments

David Letterman is a real sleaze for making jokes about Sarah Palin's14 yr old.Saying Arod knocked her up. This dirtbag should lose his jobjust like when Imus lust his job from CBS and MSNBC.Where is the publicoutcry? This guy is like 62 and he think's making jokes about minor's isfunny!This is really unbelievable.Onto another topic,this one is aboutJames Von Brunn the lunatic the killed the security guard at the HolocaustMusem in D.C. Who were the idiots who let this fool out early? Like thisguy is a walking poster for hate crimes. He tried to kidnap people from thefed. He got only 6 yrs,he should've got more. He has an hate site. I thinkthat they should stiffen the penalty. So that the next time some fool triesto kidnap federal employee's his gets a longer sentence not just 6 yrs.Yesterday while I was watching tv I saw a piece about Chastity Bono havinga sex change. Excuse me but I thought that she was just gay! That blew mymind! Cher must be climbing the walls! One last thing. This about Lisa Ling'ssister. It's sad that Laura Ling and Yuna Lee were investigating a story abouthuman trafficking and get caught entering North Korea. I think that North Koreamay be using them as bargaining chips.I hope that they are freed real soon.That'sall for this week

Uncle Russells Funeral

Funera Last Week my uncle russell passed away,he had a heart conditionwhich caused him to lose circulation to one of his lower extremeties.He had to have one of his lower part of his legs cut off. This timehe spent sometime in a nursing facility. He complained that they ignoredhim. When he went to the hospital he had bed sores and the doctors weren'ttoo happy with the facility that was supposed to be taking care of him. Igot a phone call from my sister nancy about my uncle russell,she said thathad passed away on Thursday May 28th in hospital. I called my cousin to offermy condolences. I spoke to my mother she said that my aunt eleanor hadn't hadtime to make the funeral arrangements yet. The next day I hoped on the subwayD line to Queens where I transfered to the E line then to the F Line to 179ththen I took the N22(Long Island Bus) to Hicksville train station to Wyndanchthen to my mother's house. I spent a day and half at her house. Then I went overto my cousin's house. I helped him clean up his house. Then on Tuesday we went tothe wake and payed our respects.On the day of the funeral people from my uncle'sorganization,called Pals For Christ which is a prison ministry.They spoke about theirexperiences with him. One lady sang,another person played the Sax. My cousin Paulspoke about his last conversation with him. My uncle telling him that he wantedgo home and my cousin saying don't worry we will take you home,but he ment thathe wanted to go to heaven not his earthly home. Then my 2 cousins Tasha and Shannaread his obituary which read as follows Russell Charles Williams Born Dec 4th 1924to family of a large family of 5 sisters. He had a good work attitude he would shinepeople's shoe's,he would later on become an carpenter and open his own business.In1950 he met and married Eleanor Greene. He had two children from a previous marriageRussell Jr. and Diane. His children with Eleanor are Marie Williams Leighton,Dennis Williams,Steven Williams,Mark Williams.He has many grand children and greatgrand children. After the eulogy,people were encouraged to view the body the lasttime.Then we went to Pinelawn Cementary to bury him. At Pinelawn we gathered aroundthe casket while the preacher read from the bible,then they gave people flowers whicheverybody put on the casket then headed out to the cars. I stayed on Long Island fortwo more days then I went home

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Welcome To My Blog

Hello everybody welcome to Markies299 Blog. Anybody who wishes to see
my youtube page it is If I gave you the
wrong link just type markie299. I have over 100 videos of news,some entertainment.
I uploaded a video called "Video Of Crazed Mother Shooting 20yr Old Son To Death".
It real sad. It's about a crazy mother who kills her son at gun range in Florida while he
is target practicing. The range had a policing to ask if you if had been in treatment but
they never inforced it. I'm sure that you have maybe before a person can get an gun
license that they should have an psyche profile with an doctor first. I have another
video that I haven't upload yet is called"Jively Wong" it is about the crazy vietnamese
immigrant that masscred 13 people in binghamton,ny. You will find it very interesting.
The I have are about current events,breaking news,entertainment,and a few music videos.
My likes are surfing the internet,collecting videos,listening to talk radio,recording radio
programs with WM Recorder 11.3 .You can get WM Recorder 11.3 at Applian
Technologies Inc their website is With WM Recorder 11.3
you can download movies and other media from different sites and also music.
When you download the program you will have to register it or just be able to record
2 minutes .I recently found a file search engine called Sharedigger it allows you to find
files using different file hosting sites like rapidshare,deposite file,megaupload,sendspace
and a few others. When I capture video I use a video capturing device called Dazzel
Digital Video Creator 80 it captures media from camcorder's,vcr's,dvd's&maybe
other devices I can't name. Personally I use a vcr I like it better. You can go into
their editing program or using can use Windows Media Maker. I use Windows Media
Maker I think it is better. I am going to show pictures of DVC80 & the cable that use
you will need . The cable has 2 RCA on 1 end Mike Jack at the other end ,which you
plug into the back of the PC slot that is for mike or other audio inputs .Thats all for now.